How to become calm, balanced and centered during your presentations
How to optimize the bodily tension before and during your performance
How to adopt beliefs and attitudes of master presenters
How to use diaphragmatic breathing in order to maximize the potential of your voice
How to move and position yourself during your presentation
How to use your gestures and postures
How to structure your speech
How to establish rapport with your audience
How to use add colour to your voice
How to use embedded metaphors and nested loops
Are you looking for new ways to improve your English rhetorical skills? Do you wish to enhance your presentations to the next level? Do you believe that having good rhetorical skills is important in life? Do you believe that practice makes better?
Welcome to our website. We are glad that you have found us. We are constantly looking for new ways to enhance your rhetorical and linguistic skills. Educa is focused on fostering your linguistic abilities and developing your rhetorical potential in creative and playful ways.
We organize in-company rhetorical classes, 2/3-day rhetorical seminars, individual sessions of Rheto-coaching, and linguistic-booster classes. Our rhetoric consultations and seminars are adorned with a spark of personal approach and positive attitude, which we believe is our key to fruitful and effective education.
I took an individual course of English Rhetoric with Karel because even though I´m a fluent English speaker (I have been working solely in English speaking environment for the last couple of years), I used to find it quite challenging to deliver longer structured presentations. At the end of the course, I was able to give my speech without feeling uncomfortable and stay calm under pressure. I also familiarized myself with some useful relaxation techniques during the course.
An individual course of English Rhetoric with Karel was certainly a worthwhile experience. As a teacher I especially appreciated that each lesson was tailored to students´ expectations and needs. I know how to engage my audience now and I´m able to use my voice and body language as useful tools for classroom management.
Thank you for your really helpful sessions. I ́m really glad that I get more recommendations and practical instructions and information for my use. Lectures really help me to find a way how to be more effective with concrete cases and examples. Definitely, I will use this contact also in the future for individual trainings and improve my knowledge.
My voice Training with Karel was very well constructed and productive. We covered all the voice and rhetoric aspects of my training and did plenty of exercises that helped me put into practice all the theory I learned. What I loved the most was the structure that Karel provided from the start, which was going together with my expectations. I would definitely recommend him, as he’s not only voice coaching but also providing self-development tips since he has a psychology background, and that‘s the cherry on top!
Naším cílem bylo vybudovat u našich kolegů sebevědomí, které jim umožní s lehkostí prezentovat jakékoliv téma. Karel nás velice efektivně naučil, jak pracovat s naší nervozitou, jak použít správné rétorické techniky, gesta, slovní pomůcky (idiomy a přísloví), tak abychom v našich příštích prezentacích uspěli a dosáhli svých cílů. Celý kurz byl zaměřen na anglickou rétoriku, což je pro nás klíčové. Nově naučené techniky jsme zkoušeli a vypilovali tak, že na konci kurzu opravdu všichni odcházeli nadšeni a připraveni na nové prezentační výzvy. Karel je skvělý lektor, vytváří příjemnou tvůrčí, ale i výkonnou atmosféru.
Třídenní seminář English Rhetoric jsme s panem Karlem Wichterlem uskutečnili pro naše produktové manažery. Karel nám velmi prakticky a s entuziazmem ukázal, že příběh umí prodávat a že dobře formulovaná a pointovaná myšlenka účinně pomáhá porozumění na druhé straně. Příprava, procvičení, případové studie, dobrá atmosféra, zpětná vazba – určitě to nebylo naposled.
Psychologist & Drama therapist
Mr Wichterle underwent an extensive 3-year training course in which he
mastered various techniques of using the expressive medium of drama in
order to enhance people’s well-being and work skills. Notably, in the
seminar of English Rhetoric he uses the principles of Positive Psychology,
NLP, Mindfulness and Guided visualization combined with Stanislavki’s
concept of emotional memory and many other concepts that are likely to
promote one’s rhetoric qualities. Mr Wichterle employs a student-centred
approach and is very flexible when it comes to tailoring the course to
each student’s individual needs. His facilitation provides students with autonomy and support that foster their natural ability to be creative and spontaneous. Nevertheless, he is very
persistent in building a cooperative and supportive atmosphere among his students.
Karel Wichterle, M.A.
Svídnická 515/2,
Prague 8 - Troja, 181 00
Czech Republic
IČO: 76362027
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